He lives in Brooklyn, NY with his wife, a good amount of handmade furniture, and a lot of clothes. He was born in Pittsburgh.
On a good day, he looks something like this.
He likes tech, music, podcasts, telling stories, and riding bicycles outside and also inside in front of thousands of people. He sometimes puts his dog Paulie into a public dog house. Of course, he is becoming somewhat of a beer snob, too.
He enjoys writing with stationery, drawing stationary objects, and reading non-fiction books.
Marc is also a very part-time model. His niche role is posing as a student for schools he has never attended. For part of Marc's portfolio, go here. (He is the guy in glasses on the left holding the brown notebook.) For the other part, go to this website. He is the gentleman in the burgundy shirt with top right part of head cut off.
Marc used to have his own clothing company. It was called bminus.
If all that sounds vaguely impressive, remember that he's just like anybody else.
You may also find Marc on the following services: